
Monday, 28 November 2011

Summary of specific analysis

From analysing the three music magazines specific to the genre I am making, I have found that most rock music magazines like to use red and black on their front covers and consistently carry it throughout the whole magazine, these colours signify boldness, power, energy, authority, devotion, sincerity and discipline; these colours can easily be used to describe the type of music the magazines cover. All the magazines use Sans Serif fonts throughout the whole of the magazine as they are easily to read and it is bold which makes the writing stand out. They also use a lot of inserts within the front cover to keep it looking full of information, the contents pages are all separated into different sections and columns giving the layout an organised and clean look. All of the magazines I analysed used an informal mode of address which suits the target audience I will be aiming my magazine for. Two out of the three magazines I analysed all had kickers, pull quotes and stand first to draw the audience to the story and article. From the analysis of existing rock magazines, I should include all these common elements within the genre of magazine such as the using Sans Serif fonts, the informal mode of address, black and red colour scheme and the columns to organise the contents page within the one I am going to create to make a successful design. 

1 comment:

  1. Research into Similar Products: C

    You have produced some good research into a range of music magazines.

    To improve further make sure you analyse the use of images on each page, considering the effect of shot type and mise-en-scene. Include more discussion of the effect of font styles, what impression do they create (or connote)? Develop your discussion of colour connotation - which connotations relate to the genre of music and/or target audience? How? Include more discussion of mode of address - what tone does each magazine create? How is this constructed through language, font, colour, and image? Use specific examples to support the points you make.
