
Thursday, 5 January 2012

Pitch of my magazine

From the research I carried out on existing magazines similar to the one I am going to produce, I have found out that they all tend to use the color scheme of black, red and white which gives a bold look, as it is so often used for similar genres of existing magazine it suggests that it will be easily recognized. They have Sans Serif fonts throughout the whole of the magazine, which makes it easy to read, this also suits the target audience, as having Serif fonts would give the magazine more of a feminine look. Many similar existing magazines have the cluttered layout, which suggests to the reader that there will be a lot within the magazine to read. They all used an informal mode of address as it is aimed for a younger reader. Kickers, pull quotes and stand first is always used for the front cover or within the contents page and double page spread, this will give the magazine a consistent look throughout the whole of the magazine. Columns are usually used within the contents page to organize the list of pages.

The target audience are teenage to young adult males as they were the target group from my questionnaire who buys magazines the most, as the most preferred genre of music was rock, I decided to choose that genre. I am going to have a female solo artist on the front cover, as it was most preferred for a male target audience. Nearly all of the who completed my questionnaire said that they would prefer an informal mode of address, as this mode of address is very popular and common with successful existing magazines, I have also chose to do this. Most of the people who completed my questionnaire have said that the thing that attracts them to the magazine the most is celebrity interviews, news and gossip, so I have drafted the text of my double page spread considering the results of the questionnaire.

Production plan- the making of the magazine


Edit the photos
16th January 2012
To resize and crop according to the size it needs to be on the magazine

Production of the magazine
16th January 2012
Focus on front cover
To have all the text ready so I can adjust it when adding the images

18th January 2012
Focus on contents page
To have all the text ready so I can adjust it when adding the images

20th January 2012
Focus on Double page spread
To have all the text ready so I can adjust it when adding the images

22nd January 2012
Adding the images to all the pages

30th January 2012
Add the images I got from the concert onto possible areas of the magazine

31st January 2012
Look over the pages I have created and see if I can improve it further

Production plan-photography

Used for

Taking photos for the magazine cover and double page spread
14th January 2012

Mid shot
For front cover
14th January 2012

Long shot
For the double page spread
14th January 2012
So there is an option for which photo I want t use for the double page spread

Close up
For the double page spread
14th January 2012
So there is an option for which photo I want t use for the double page spread

Mid shot
For the double page spread
14th January 2012
So there is an option for which photo I want t use for the double page spread
Costume 1
To give the person in the photo a credible style that suits their genre of music
Grey shirt
T shirt underneath
Dark skinny jeans
14th January 2012
Having two sets of costume so the cover page will have a different outfit to the double page spread
Costume 2
To give the person in the photo a credible style that suits their genre of music

14th January 2012
Having two sets of costume so the cover page will have a different outfit to the double page spread
To make the person in the photo compliment the genre they are trying to portray
14th January 2012
Having props within the photos to give the feel of a music magazine
To give the photos a credible feel that suits the story/article
Home (plain background)

Outside (field/open land)
14th January 2012
To give the photo a credible feel that suits the story/article
To get possible images for the contents page
O2 academy Birmingham
28th January
To get some images from the concert I am going to be attending so I can use the images on contents page
Claudia Titterton and Helen Tsang
To help each other take the photos
14th January 2012
So the images are clearer and at the angle wanted to suit how we planned the front cover of the magazine